Saturday, February 16, 2013

Homosexuality is not condemned by my bible unless its just for fun...

I totally believe homosexuality is natural for some people. Natural=born that way. I disagree that humans all have mixed sexuality--- I see it as; we are all attracted to/turned on by our same sex at some levels and that sexual activity can be a source of physical pleasure alone or stress relief etc. but it is not emotionally healthy to have a loving committed relationship but then also separate sex & continue receiving pleasure from ANY other sources- as the men & women did amongst themselves, especially during war time. It is hurtful and causes problems when someone who is born heterosexual (I'd define that as: dominantly drawn to loving, committed - sexual and romantic relationships with the opposite sex) engages in homosexual acts just for fun--- It degrades the value of sexual intimacy with any person they have committed themselves to--- it devalues the same sex partner they are just using for sex--- it increases risk for all sorts of jealousy, insecurity and confusions. It's a lazy act and selfish. If someone gets to a point where sexual activity is 100% only physical (yet involves another human) then they are in danger of many sorts. 

There is science behind bonding and connections that show us how all humans respond chemically to sex---- the evolution of these chemical responses is important---- We are a different species than our Chimpanzee relatives and like doves are different than ducks--- we are chemically directed to respond differently to sex than they are. Therefore it never works out well EMOTIONALLY (chemically) when humans use sex as just physical entertainment---- TRUE Homosexuals are not simply separating love & sex --- They are getting (or wanting to get) married and having long lasting commitments --- Many "defenders" of homosexuality- specifically those who also oppose all religion ---will assert that sex is just an animal instinct and homosexuality is found in nature--- but I think many homosexuals would tell you that what they do sexually is not just a simple physical action--- there is a difference between "homosexual behaviors" and the identity of being a homosexual. There is no reason to attempt to defend their rights by arguing that sex is just physical. Homosexuals also have a natural desire & need for monogamous commitments and intimate values. I believe the bible (in Romans) is advising the HETEROSEXUALs to stop using sex for fun outside of their NATURAL relationships-- they were already married/committed chemically bonded to spouses but still messing around with each other for fun. This is a violation of their nature and its an untruth. The bible sets out principals that illustrate the way to enter into the kingdom/government of LOVE. It is fairly simply put that TRUTH, in all sorts, is the way to get to LOVE--- and the way to give it. Without TRUTH love is sent off into nothingness. A person who lies about who they are to get the love of another person never can actually "get" or receive that love because they KNOW that it is not for the real them... The love the other person offers in response to the lie can be somewhat enjoyed and experienced - but it can not reach the person in the ways that cause all the powerful changes or benefits that LOVE with TRUTH can cause. Healing; emotional injuries are most surely "healed" by LOVE- the fears and insecurities that one feels in the absence of LOVE (with TRUTH) are painful and have accompanying behaviors that are physically damaging--- stress, fear, shame, guilt etc. LOVE overcomes these things and science agrees. The chemicals in our brains respond and react in measurable patterns that prove the effects of what scientist refer to as the LOVE chemicals --One of those "love" chemicals, oxytocin, actually effects the health of newborns and the behaviors of the new mothers. It's all so exciting! It's all so biblical.   Truth saves. LOVE is the highest power--- Xoxo mamadusty1111